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25 October 2010

Jaden 1st Day in Kumon

25 Oct 10

I remembered that we signed up Kumon Maths for Jared four years ago when I was pregnant with Jaden. How time flies. Today is Jaden's 1st Kumon Maths day.

Last Saturday, we brought both boys to Kumon centre for Jaden to get familiar and comfortable with the centre. He told us he wanted to learn Kumon English but Teacher Jennifer recommended us to start him with Kumon Maths while we do English reading with him at home.

Today is also the day that Jared starts his Kumon English. After attended the Kumon ASHR ceremony in Putrajaya few weeks ago, Jared's motivation level increased by many folds. He told us that he wanted to do Kumon English too.

Hubby and I discussed and think that the timing is right for us to send Jared for Kumon English. He used to be good in English that he finished the entire Peter and Jane books while he was in Kindergarten and now he is in Chinese school. In addition, Jared can be more discipline in getting himself ready for Kumon classes after his school, rather than lazying around, watch TV and wasting time.

Jaden's special classroom.

There's only 2 students in the class which is good. The teacher can focus on these 2 students which still require lots of guidance.

Jaden reading numbers on the card.

Jaden looked at picture and read out the number of objects on the card.

Matching number on magnetic board.

Jared played puzzle while his teacher marked his exercise sheets.

Reward for being a good boy! Aeroplane sticker from Teacher Jennifer.

Jaden's Kumon bag and his very first Kumon worksheets.


The Fabulous Mommy to myDouble A! said...

nak bertanya if you dont mind. is there a class for preschooler?

treasure memories said...


There's a separate classroom for preschooler kids but they teach Kumon subjects ie English and Maths, not the usual preschoolder kinder.